On March 12th a text message came to my phone from the broadcast crew at Dickies Arena in Ft. Worth, Texas- it was he day the Memphis Tigers where going to recoup their season... the 21/10 Tigers where to take on the 11/20 East Carolina Pirates in the AAC Tournament and set themselves on a trajectory to the big dance.
On March 13th a text message came to my phone stating that spring break would be two weeks....then three, then four and so on
on March 23rd breaking news from the Memphis Mayor- Issuing a "safer at home" order (stay home) unless you are "essential". Tell any business owner trying support their family, they "aren't essential".
From there the snowball got bigger, quicker and the country would stop moving around almost as complete as the days following 9/11.
As the weeks set in, we started to see things in our lives much different. Learned behaviors that allowed us to take things for granted... hairstylist and the beauty industry in general, vanity surgeries that insurance companies deemed, "elective", the hospitality industry, and stages of all kinds were no longer "essential" parts of our lives. According to whom? Dr. Fauci? Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland? These were things we could live without in the event of a pandemic. Or could we? I say no! These things are as much a part of our lives and way of living as going to a liquor store and buying a bottle of whiskey (which is on the "essential list"). True, a haircut isn't a must for physical survival... but it helps in many other ways which all add up to healthy living.
It's time to start playing catch up with all the things we've missed- Graduations, school band concerts and sporting events. Gathering at our neighborhood watering hole, going back to that Saturday morning hobby class and not fearing our friends and co-workers.
Dr. David Williams said it perfectly in his written piece, Coronavirus, Truths and Lies- Ray of Hope- "We are supposed to be social creatures.We are supposed to hold each other’s hands and embrace. We are not meant to regard each other with suspicion in a grocery store. And somewhere, a hospital administrator is trying to figure out if death from loneliness qualifies to list COVID-19 as a comorbidity."