July 2ndis Made In The USA Day!A poll by Reuters found that 70% of Americans this it's "very important"or "somewhat important" to purchase American-made products. And many Americans say they’d also be willing to pay more for stuff that’s made here.
Now, it’s not difficult to figure out what this day “is,” but for many folks, it’s a pain to actually participate. After all, the majority of the products we come in contact with aren’t made here. Heck – the fish at your local supermarket often comes from somewhere else!
What to do? Pay attention! READ labels! And when it comes to food, SHOP LOCAL! Not sure where the Farmer’s Markets are? Where to get the good stuff? Visit LocalHarvest.orgorEatLocalGrown.com. What about other goods? Try www.MadeInAmerica.coorIBuyAmericanStore.com. Bottom line? Sure, it may take a little legwork to get started, but once you’re in…you’re supporting American industry.