When the Mayor of Sturgis announced that the Rally would happen, cable news immediately filled the screen with "super spreader event", fear porn stories. Asking , "aren't you afraid of the thousands of bikers coming from Texas and other "coronaviras hot spots"? Well, obviously the answer to that dumb question was NO! As the TV talking heads tried to paint the 80th rally as a health risk, mark my words, there will be follow up stories in the next two weeks about it. As I write this blog, they are looking for willing participants in their "how could they", fear narrative story lines. No doubt your TV will feature someone who was at the rally and tested positive for the 'Rona. Let the contact tracing games begin! Meanwhile, all rational, calm ,stable bikers and rally goers, will simply do what they need to IF an symptoms arise. That's all. nothing more to see here. As you were.